Last June, Alcarràs Bioproductors inaugurated a composting plant, a project promoted by the Strategic Plan for Economic Transformation of Terres de Lleida, Pyrenees and Aran and the Economic Promotion Board, which involved a private investment of €1.5M. The production capacity of the composting plant is 27,375 T/year (75 T/day) of livestock droppings and plant remains.
The intention of Alcarràs Bioproductors is to increase the tons of manure to be treated, expanding the paved surface of the composting plant. and going on to treat 67,000 T/year (183.56 T/day), in order to be able to properly manage the quantities to compost
In addition, they plan to locate a biogas plant there, an installation where the different types of livestock excrement (slurries, dung…) that contain organic matter are mixed, and a controlled anaerobic digestion is carried out, obtaining biogas and a digested biomass that will be treated and applied to the fields as biofertilizer.
Alcarràs Bioproductors SAT is made up of 150 families of livestock farmers from this town and are leaders in the territory. From BioBoost we are very happy to be able to work together.