Biobooster: Alcarràs Bioproductors

Bioboost offers free services to accelerate systemic bioeconomy projects in Catalonia.

What is a bioeconomy project? How does BioBoost help systemic projects?

These are the results of the first accelerated project: Alcarràs Bioproductors.

Alcarràs Bioproductors is an association (SAT) of 150 farming families that have come together to jointly manage their livestock waste. They have collectively purchased a 50-hectare plot that will become the first biopolymer in Catalonia, featuring a composting plant, an open-access industrial pre-scaling plant, and a biogas plant.

Bioboost facilitated:

Expansion from what was initially a private project for scaling up an anaerobic digestion plant to a territorial and collaborative waste management project that produces gas for agricultural machinery and provides systemic benefits:

  • Strategic innovation line in the transformation of agricultural engines
  • Innovation in public assistance measures for the decarbonization of agricultural activity
  • Innovation in forms and business models for the distribution of alternative renewable fuels

Addition of another business line for the development of high-end fertilizers from digestate, which was previously used for compost, providing the following benefits:

  • Ecological and regenerative agriculture as a production model (and CO2 capture)
  • Propose public incentive measures to promote the use of these types of products
  • Technological innovation lines and business development assistance

The transversal services offered can be summarized as regulations, legalizations, and financing.

Download the report for more information.


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