On March 20th and 21st, Bioboost attended the 3rd Congress of Bioeconomy, Innovation, and Technology (BIT) held in Vic, in the province of Barcelona. This biennial meeting, an essential appointment for the community dedicated to research and development of new solutions based on biological and renewable resources, placed special emphasis on water management and the creation of resilient landscapes, in a context marked by the worst drought Catalonia has experienced in the last four decades.
The congress offered a wide range of presentations and debates, each exploring key aspects of water management. Relevant topics such as water availability and administration, best practices in its management in the private sector, as well as water regeneration and reuse were addressed. One of the highlights was the innovative use of by-products from water treatment processes to generate high-value-added products, with the perspective of transforming water treatment plants into potential bio-factories.
Another topic of special interest was the advances in water regeneration and reuse, both in the private and public sectors. In addition, the possibilities derived from by-products generated in water treatment processes were discussed, open to exploring new opportunities for innovation and sustainability.
The event also served to highlight the proactive measures being implemented to ensure resilient water management. Key actors from the private sector as well as public agencies shared ongoing technological advancements and methodological innovations for sustainable water use in the region.
The networking lunch provided an excellent opportunity for all participants to share experiences and establish potential avenues of collaboration, thus reinforcing the community’s commitment to sustainability and smart water resource management.