
, accelerating the implementation of bioeconomy projects in Catalonia

BioBoost is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research program that aims to accelerate the implementation of bioeconomy projects in the region of Catalonia.

The challenge

Identificar les barreres sistemàtiques que obstaculitzen els projectes de bioeconomia a Catalunya

Pressupost 1,7M de €
Durada: 4 anys (Inici juny 2022)

Bioeconomy projects require collaboration between many actors in the territory to become viable and become a reality, and this requires a new form of governance. This project should allow us to learn what are the systematic barriers that hinder projects and how to overcome them. This project should allow us to learn what are the systematic barriers that hinder projects and how to overcome them.


BioBoost aims to mobilize 30 million euros of additional investment in projects in the Catalan bioeconomy sector before 2026.


of investment in bioeconomy projects in Catalonia

The Bioeconomy Project Accelerator

BioBoost will create the Bioeconomy Project Accelerator, a physical office where advisory services will be offered with the aim of reducing investment risk and execution time for Catalan bioeconomy projects rooted in the territory.

The Bioeconomy Project Accelerator

Establish the physical office of the Bioeconomy Accelerator of Catalonia and offer development advisory services to Catalan bioeconomy projects, giving a boost to the economic sectors involved.

Collaborate with the financial community to address specific and systematic barriers to investment in bioeconomy projects and catalyse additional investment in bioeconomy projects in Catalonia.

Contribute to the reduction of the amount of waste that enters landfills and create “green” and long-term jobs in the value chains of the Bioeconomy sectors.

Increase awareness and knowledge of the benefits of the bioeconomy among EU citizens through communication and knowledge transfer activities.

Descripció i estructura del pla de treball

Durant el primer any del projecte, es duen a terme activitats per establir una base de coneixement (WP1) i activitats de preparació per assentar les bases per al llançament de l’Acceleradora (WP2), que tindrà lloc el juny de 2023. Durant els tres anys següents, el focus central es trasllada al funcionament de l’Acceleradora (WP3), a través del qual es lliuraran els serveis de PDA a la bioeconomia a Catalunya. Durant aquest període, treballarem en paral·lel amb la comunitat financera (WP4) per donar a conèixer i desenvolupar solucions de finançament innovadores. Tots els paquets de treball bàsics (WP1-WP4) s’acompanyen d’activitats de comunicació i explotació (WP5) i de gestió (WP6) del projecte, que en garantiran un bon  seguiment, així com que els resultats es comparteixin per tal de promoure la replicació més enllà de la fi del projecte.

Impacts and milestones

Milestones to achieve

• Public presentation of the project
• Inaugurate and launch the Accelerator
• Offer assistance services for the development of bioeconomy projects from the Accelerator
• Obtain investments for bioeconomy projects worth 30M euros
• Publish a report on innovative financing schemes developed and implemented during the project
• Increase project awareness among stakeholders
• Maximize the impact of the project beyond Horizon Europe.

Expected impacts

• Generate industry awareness and commitment about strategic benefits of fossil fuel substitution with biobased products.
• Increased communication between scientific community and the public
• Boost the economic and environmental performance of the industrial base.
• Developing best practices for the circular economy and bioeconomy.
• Identification of synergies among projects for strengthening further collaboration.

A multidisciplinary team, specialized and linked to the territory

The BioBoost Project has a multidisciplinary consortium formed by four Catalan companies familiar with the territory. This consortium concentrates the range of expertise and its needs in order to address the transversal barriers that bioeconomy projects encounter, as well as to exploit to the maximum the potential of each particular project.


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